Sunday, February 03, 2008

The First Post

Ulrich ("Uli"), a fellow biker, born and educated in Germany, and who now does learning technology research at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, recently expressed my own sentiments about blogging (paraphrased): "I don't understand you Americans. What on earth could you have so much to say about that any of us could have the time or interest to read?" Exactly.

So what hypocrisy is this?

Ostensibly, I'm writing this for me. During a recent stressful season at work, a friend suggested that I write something, anything, every day. The topic didn't matter, the length of prose didn't matter. Just express something. So I am. We'll see if there's benefit.
I picked my favorite topic: motorcycling. The two-wheeled adventure, at whatever pace, is solitary with a bit of thrill factor - like doing timed crosswords.

On standardized personality profiles, I'm always a borderline introvert/extrovert. As an introvert, I am re-energized by solitary pursuits like riding and writing. Many extroverts need an audience just to think clearly - thinking and expression happen at the same time.

So there needs to be a "you" out there - imagined or real - for this expression to emerge. You are another vehicle on which my rational thinking rides - perhaps even some thread of my sanity. I make no apologies - like the riding, I'm doing this for me.
You are welcome to ride along.

John Merlin Williams

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